Friday, July 23, 2021

Eyes, eyes, eyes



Today I had another eye check because my distance vision has decreased. It would be nice to get new glasses, especially when the new lens is more than a step up. Instead I will have a consultation, in August, with an ophthalmologist who performs cataract surgery. I am disappointed that the recommend person is in an office farther away from my home, but my optometrist said, “I sent my mother to him, that is whom I trusted with her care.”


I will go there, but there are two within walking distance of my house. Not that I would walk there for any surgery, I might not find my way home. I will tell Leroy to drive me. He works the day of the consultation, but I am not to drive as my eyes will be dilated. This appointment will take three hours. Guess that means all possibilities are covered.


If this person decides it is not time yet, I will have to get new glasses, but can wait a while longer for that as I can still drive safely, according to the man I saw this morning.  Apparently my cataracts are about half way there, but because of my extreme nearsightedness they more seriously affect my vision. Certainly I know that Leroy is not bothered as I am, in fact his vision has improved. I am grateful for possibilities, surgery or not, new stronger glasses or not.


He also told me I have some astigmatism, but it is a “small player” because my nearsightedness is so bad. Perhaps after the surgery it might be more noticeable. He believes that I will no longer need glasses, but will need readers.



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