Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Where are You?


Leroy went on a bike ride this afternoon. I left sometime later for a walk. About two blocks from home I met him ending his ride. I asked if he wanted to walk. He said, “Yes, you just keep going and I will catch up or call you.”

I had told him briefly where I planned to go. I kept thinking I would see him, but nothing. Finally, I put my glove in my pocket and felt my phone vibrate. He did ask that question, “Where are you?”

After we got together I learned that he had thought to intercept me not realizing that I would walk quite a lot in the park close to us, before I headed off on the street part of the bike trail.

Seems to me our phones are most useful for that “where are you” question. At least we seem to use it from time to time. How did we manage before we had this assist? We had to be more precise in our talk and plans if we wanted to make connections.

At least I managed to get in my 10,000 steps. I am always pleased when that happens.

Today we got rid of our old laptop and phones along with cords and instructions. What a good feeling. We also got out our printer that has not printed for some time. Leroy found someone who wanted to use the scanning function on it. I have a few more things that I intend to take to a second hand store. I am hoping to get that done tomorrow.


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