Sunday, March 10, 2019

Singing and Falling


I realize that singing and falling do not have a lot in common, but for us they occurred within the same 24 hours.

Last night our church choir sang with an auditioned choir. We sang part 2 of Handel’s Messiah. It was great to be able to sing with this group and to do these selections. I was familiar with most of the selections, but Leroy went over much new territory. He diligently practiced with recordings as well as stuck with his partner from the church choir. He had never sung with a large group of such skilled performers. It was uplifting.

Today the walk to church took much concentration as the walks had clear spots, ice water, ice over water, and water over ice. We managed that without incident. Much of the time we walk in the streets, especially the less traveled streets.

The walk home was another story. Some of the most difficult spots are those where the snow plows have piled up barriers to the sidewalks. In some places people are helpful to walkers and clear our pathways between the piles of ice and snow. In other spots it is necessary to climb over them. At the first large pile we went over, Leroy was in front and just as he got down on the other side of the pile he fell, missing a large water puddle. He said, “It only hurts a little on my hand, luckily everything else is good.”

At another place we were walking on some sidewalk that had a thin layer of ice with water on top. Once again Leroy fell onto his back side. This time I reached out to maybe try to help him and fell too. I fell forward. Luckily neither of us was hurt by this incident. I went down quite lightly. Not even sure that I got a bruise. Walking on ice in the almost warm is much harder than walking on freezing cold ice.


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