Saturday, November 24, 2018

Ready for more flowers


Today I planted the amaryllis bulbs that had been outside in the ground for the summer. Earlier I had dug them so they would not get frosted. To keep them cool I put them on the attic steps. I felt them the other day only to notice that the outside was a little soft. Could they have frozen on the steps? I do not know. I would like to have them bloom after Christmas when I will not have so many other blooming things in the house. Leroy suggested that I just put them in pots and start watering at a later date. This means I can get them off the attic steps. Now they will be in the warm with us.

My holiday cactus is blooming and beautiful, as are the violets. Leroy posted pictures on Facebook. Here is the link so you can also see them.

We are certainly enjoying the flowers.

When the snow comes tomorrow they will shine even brighter.

Leroy worked today, but said; “Only five people came to the library.” However he stayed the full time and found much to keep him busy.

He rode the bike and that apparently was a nice time with the warmer temps and no rain.

I hung out clothes which I also enjoyed as it gets me out. I took a very long walk this afternoon. I even included a bit of a hill so I worked a little harder. I often notice that our walk to church is on such flat terrain.


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