Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Windows Open


I have the windows open as we have done for the last few days. In the fall I took off the screens, but feel quite comfortable with the no screen deal. Surely there are no bugs out and about that I do not want to come in. However two days ago Leroy said, “A big fly is in the house.”

I did see it sitting on the wall, got out the swatter, and made short work of it. Today I saw a fly on the window that was not open. I opened the window, grabbed a towel, and encouraged it to go out the opening. Windows are still open in the expectation that no more flies will come in. At least I have not seen any bees or butterflies as the coming cold would not be good for them.

I should have worked outside today on my day off, but I washed and hung out a load of clothes which I have brought in and put away. Next on the list was a quick shopping trip to get some soy milk for Leroy and a gift for Logan whose birthday party is Saturday. When home, I made granola; recorded monies spent, donated to a seminary, and looked at a show that lasted an hour. It is on DVD and Leroy said it was good. I want to catch up to him as he has watched four episodes. Does that sound like work or fun? After lunch I made bread and chastised myself for not buying whole wheat flour while I was out and about. I could only make one loaf.

Because I have been coughing a little, sneezing a little, and not feeling peppy I tried unsuccessfully to take a nap. I spent my time lying down and visualizing the tai chi routine that we do. From that I realized that I do not know what my hands do in at least two moves. More learning must take place. We have choir practice tonight, but I do not feel motivated to go at this moment. Even though I could not sleep, my eyes feel very tired. No big walks, but I have put on 5500 steps.


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