Tuesday, February 14, 2017



Can I be vain? My hair looked so good today when there was only my downstairs friend to see it although she did not see it at its best because I had had my hood covering and flattening it. I was a little disappointed to be viewed by so few.

When we were San Antonio my hair was less than stellar for three reasons: it flattens out in the dry, I had to wear a hat to hide from the sun, and I did not take along any of my hair products. I did not want to haul so many liquids on the plane that TSA might get excited and eliminate some.

What am I going to do with the stuff for the rest of my life? It is thinning and that definitely makes it harder to hold down. Guess the weight of the other hair is good for control. We have talked about retiring to UT where it is as dry as Texas. Would I have to adapt a new style and what would that be?

We have also talked about retiring to MN. There I would have to wear a hat for much of the year, either from the cold or the sun. Should I just buy a very good wig and be done with much of the care and upkeep or is there more to taking care of a wig than I know about?

Sometimes it seems to me there is an advantage to Leroy’s spare do because he does not have to spend much time considering it. Hats, dry, or humid really make little difference. I suppose I could start a new fashion statement and just shave my hair all off.

We are having my work team over for fastnachts this Sunday because no other day works. It is supposed to be on Shrove Tuesday. I even washed three of the most rain spotted windows today. It was nice to have a breeze momentarily blowing through the house. Love those window cleaning cloths. They work so well.

Brian was born 40 years ago. Can I be old enough to have two children who are now 40 or older?


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