Monday, August 17, 2015



I have settled my mind about the couple sleeping in the car. Maybe not found real solutions, but I have moved on to laundry and making bread. Perhaps it is those tasks that sooth my soul. The ordinariness of it is restful.

I will go to work today blessing the children because they will head back to school next week. Work life will then have a different focus. Who knows, it might even feel mundane and unexciting. Will I wish for the exciting days of summer once more?

It is to rain today and I hope that the clouds deliver. The community garden could use a good drink once more. Irrigation is not my philosophical strong position nor is it my desire to spend so much time doing it. So rain is welcome. I will soon have gathered in the laundry so that will not be an issue.

 I saw on the internet (The internet always knows!) that it is strengthens to spray tomatoes and peppers with a mixture of Epsom salts and water. I used an old cleaning bottle well aired and rinsed for the task. Clark thought I was spraying the tomatoes with Mr. Clean. He was sure I had passed around a bend. I think it might have helped the tomatoes, but no real way to tell because I do not do such things in a scientifically controlled manner. I just spray it on and say it might have helped. We still do not have a lot of tomatoes, but that seems to be typical for many other gardeners this year. The plant that I talk to in front of the house is doing the best, but will not produce enough to can much. I am happy to have many to eat and cook with at the moment.


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