Saturday, October 4, 2014

the Smoke Alarm


Yesterday morning the smoke alarm started a gentle beep followed by a long rest. When Leroy came home for lunch I told him about it. He checked all three alarms by pushing on the buttons. All seemed to be in good working order. After that I no longer heard any beeps. That was good because I did not want to be awake at some crazy hour listening to that persistent alarm.

At 2:30 am I heard that gentle beep. Only now it was not taking such a long break and it came about every ten minutes. It no longer seemed gentle to me, but rudely demanding attention. Leroy was sleeping soundly. I could change the batteries, but had not done that here so I did not know precisely what to do. In desperation I woke Leroy and played the poor helpless female role. I was grateful that he was willing to rescue me. But then he also wanted to get back to sleep. He tried first that hall alarm I thought I was hearing, but that was not it. He located the noisy one in the spare bedroom, just disconnected the battery, stubbed his toe, and flopped wearily back in bed. About an hour later I could tell he had not gotten back to sleep. We then had a rather lengthy middle of the night talk. Finally he went back to sleep and I took a little longer.

In the morning he work first, but stayed very quiet and I actually slept until 7:00. Something that almost never happens. I was glad that I got a bit more sleep.

So much for trying to get ahead of the alarm in the middle of the night. At least it was not a real emergency, just a sleep disturber not a life disturber. Tonight sleep will be better.


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