Friday, October 17, 2014



Babysitting is a different thing when the children are older. For instance, yesterday, from 10:00am the girls were next door. I sat and galloped through a library book. The book was I’ll be seeing you by Suzanne Hayes. I thought it was quite good. It is the letters of two women, pen pals, during WWII. One lived in Iowa City so I felt quite at home.

The grandmother of the girl these girls were visiting came and spoke with me about them going to Wheeler farm. She had talked about them coming home at 5:00 pm, but she also talked about milking the cows so I was not too surprised they had not yet arrived at 5:00. I was a little anxious by 6:00. I was strongly considering calling when the girls came home at 6:50. Some people just have a different idea of time. I did remember Miriam talking about that before. Hence no call made since I do not like making calls.

The hard part was that the girls were hungry even though they told me they had eaten, course I have no idea when they ate. I made veggies and fruit for them as I feel that is what diets typically lack and they just gobbled it up. Generally, they go to bed at 7:00 pm. We did not make it until 7:30. Olivia who needs a lot of sleep was still in bed at 6:55 am.

Those girls are once again today across the street. Their mom called. Luckily they can make a free call over the computer so we hung up while I fetched the girls. Olivia was quite impressed with the idea that it was 11:30 here and 9:30 at night where her mom is. Miriam did say the heat is quite intense there, while I am wondering about turning on the furnace here. We certainly live in a multi-faceted world.


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