Sunday, October 19, 2014

Riding Bikes


Before Miriam left she got down Andy’s bike for me. Yesterday the girls and I rode our bikes to the park. What Miriam does not realize is that I almost sit up on my home bike since I modified it. Here, I felt like I was going to pitch forward over the handle bars. It was also difficult for me to see as I have to tilt my head up enough to get my vision through the right place on my glasses to see in front of me. Adjusting my bike has made my neck much more comfortable and my vision clear. I know I do not look cool on my bike, but I am in better shape than I was. Getting to the park and back was accomplished, but I refused to ride around the paved playground with the girls as I was quite uncomfortable.

They wanted to see me jump rope, which was easy in comparison. I cannot just so many times in a row, but it was more than they could do.

I did spend some time pushing them on the swings and helping them get connected to the sliding bar that I cannot name.

Today, the girls and I got to church on time, even ahead of time. That felt good to get the trip accomplished. I even remembered the route. It was good to worship and to go to the adult class afterwards.

Tomorrow it will be off to school once more. I am out of green peppers and mushrooms. That is almost a crisis. I had to make a pizza with only onions, cauliflower (wasn’t too bad) and avocados (Nora suggested that and it was not so bad either).

I am not even working today except for child care, fixing meals, and doing dishes. The girls are playing with different neighbor children today so it is easy. I forget that there is no real day of rest for parents unless they create it in some way. I used to dream of having my parents closer so they could do that occasional babysitting job, however, it was not to be and I did survive and enjoyed most of the time.


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