Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Day Off


I even finished a book this morning. Usually I do not allow myself to read in the morning because that is my best time to get things done. I liked the book called the Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes. Certainly has caused me to think more about WWI and WWII. Those of us who have never had a war in our territory in our life time certainly do not know all the ways life can be. Because one thread of this story was about repossession of some stolen goods that changed hands during and after the wars, I spent some time considering where that applies. How is it decided? I am thinking about the land that many of us live on and the source of that land. How do we justify that? That was a light morning’s reading.

I do have a list of tasks and I have crossed off ten things, but still on that list: yoga, research getting a grant for neighborhood little free libraries, plant rooted slips in a pot, weed by the house, and research comfortable car seats.

Leroy is uncomfortable when he sits in the car for a long ride. I think it is his posture, but he would rather do something about the seats, change them or get a different car. We had some slightly unfriendly words regarding this subject this morning with the end result that we both think our thought is the most reasonable. Course I know he sat in this car before we bought it, the trouble is not for an hour or more. Would that be different with a new car?

Tonight our plan is to weed our garden in the front of the house. It seems to us that the easy way to do this is with two people because we have netting over things to keep out the squirrels. Removing it will take some cooperation. Do you think we can get along long enough to get the job accomplished?

I looked up a store location on the Internet. When I first clicked on the locater button it said I needed a valid address and when I put in that valid address it only gave me stores located in PA. What?


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