Sunday, March 23, 2014

Leroy's Sermon


Well it was not the worst of sermons and not the best of sermons. Actually it was probably in Leroy’s top ten, maybe I was even impressed. Several people told me about how good it was. One rather emotional woman even told me that it was speaking directly to her sister. Then she added it was Leroy and God working together. It is humbling to know that we do not know what will touch another person and their needs at the moment.

At any rate I was not embarrassed to think that I was connected to Leroy when he conducts himself as well as he did. Next time will be more comfortable knowing that he can do well in this situation.

Besides the service last night and the three this morning as well as the radio recording on Thursday Leroy has a nursing home service this afternoon. Next week he will just do the liturgy and not the sermon so there is a little less pressure, but still a bit of time involved. I have no clue about nursing home services. I cannot get a feel for what he will be doing next week. I just take care of my own schedule. My impression is that Leroy is happy to be back in the saddle part of the time. But not the whole saddle as he does not have to deal with all the issues of the church just a part of it. That seems to fit him well.

I think I have been unwell even though not lying in bed. Today I feel much better, however I could hardly sing because taking a deep breath caused me to cough. Then my ears are stuffed so I had a harder time discerning the pitches. And once in a while I needed to blow my nose. When wearing a choir robe without pockets it is difficult to know what to do with tissue. However, I remembered taking piano lessons from a nun who kept a hankie stuffed somewhere up the sleeve of her habit. I followed her example and stuffed mine into the sleeve of my blouse out of sight under the robe. With the tight wrist it held them nicely while waiting for my need.


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