Wednesday, June 19, 2013



Leroy tried to call the cell phone company once more from work and could not get it done so he emailed them. They responded with a list of suggestions. One was to turn off the phone and turn it back on. That worked. Amazing how a solution can be so simple, but if you do not know it, it is as elusive as hidden treasure. Just what treasure can’t we find that is so simple? Meditate on that a bit.

The home phone is a different issue. I found the reset button on the box that captures the wireless signal. After pushing it multiple times during the day I would have to say that this unit no longer works. Unfortunately we cannot find the papers on this purchase that we made last August. Leroy thinks he might have left the papers in the box that it came in. Where is that box? In another box, in another box, in another box. It is quite small so it could be quite elusive. We could buy a replacement piece for $50 which is not so bad, but I am annoyed because I think this equipment should work much longer than ten months. At least the other wireless devices that we have performed well for much more than a year or two. Did we just get a lemon?

I did not really spend much time working on this problem, but it consumed my energy just the same. Emotional thinking is hard work. Sometimes I tell myself that I do not stress about things that I cannot control, but I am fooling myself. If any of you have good coping skills for such situations, let me know. I know that in the long run of life it is very small potatoes.

One thing I did learn this afternoon was how to access our list of calls on the home phone. I could see that we had some new voice mail messages, but not what the messages were. The phone numbers were listed so I tried a reverse look up and found the names of some callers. It does not work for cell phones.

If you want to call me use my cell number as you cannot reach us on the home phone yet.


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