Saturday, June 22, 2013

Life is Better


This morning Leroy almost hopped out of bed. He declared that he had slept well. It made a difference. He was ready to work. After breakfast the first stop was the garage where he worked on that piece of furniture that he had brought home from the Ely library. It had a hole in the back so the large TV could breathe or release heat into the air. Since it is now used to store power tools a total back seemed like a nice idea so nothing would fall through. Leroy covered that hole with wood he had scavenged from work. It feels good to get something for nothing, save something from the landfill, and create a useful item. Then Leroy did a little sweeping in the garage, put up another tool holder and tightened up the storage areas so walk ways were a little more open. He was quite satisfied when finished. I on the other hand did not get so many useful things done. I did do dishes and weeding so it looks quite good to walk alongside the house to get in the back door.

On this burst of energy Leroy tackled the computer issues. He was able to wipe Chrome from both computers and put it back clean. It is so nice to have it working much more efficiently. I grumbled about some of the extra things on the desktop so he got rid of things that he no longer uses. It is just makes a clean and tidy life in lots of ways.

We went ahead and bought a new device to capture the wireless signal to be sent to the home phone. It will come Thursday and then life will be back to normal.

Brian called to tell us that, because of storms, they have been without power since some time Friday. He did rent a generator that will take care of the freezer and refrigerator. It has also been used at some of the neighbors’ houses. It seems that he is making a regular circuit among three houses. He said that he and a neighbor sawed wood for almost three hours trying to get things cleaned up. There was not have a problem in their yard, but many of the neighbors had trees down. Unfortunately more storms are on the way for tonight.

There were also trees down around here, but it did not affect us.


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