Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arrival in MN


Yesterday I arrived in MN in good time in spite of more frequent stops. I was still finishing up my last pill so I needed to eat and drink beyond my desire, consequently restroom breaks were more necessary. One of the greatest things about today is that I did not have to take any antibiotics. What a good thing! I do still have the metallic taste and the need to eat more, but hopefully that will disappear soon as I get back to normal.

Brian left this morning and Logan and I had a good day. He took an extra nap that pushed back his extended afternoon nap. Consequently he did not wake by the time I needed to get Sophia from daycare. First I tried calling Jen who was not available. Next I called the daycare provider. She and I worked out a plan, as there was still half an hour before the end of the daycare cay. If that boy was still asleep she said she and her girls could walk over with Sophia. Logan woke up just in the nick of time, but I did call and tell her that I still needed to give him his bottle as he was now seriously hungry. She told me that would be ok. After that Logan had a dirty diaper requiring a little extra cleaning. I felt then that I should also go to the bathroom. After that it was on to the stroller as the roofing guy had his truck parked in the driveway so that I could not use the car unless I called him down from the roof. We did get to pick up Sohia and I was surprised to see that there was someone else who was just picking up her child so I was not the last one.


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