Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Leroy's Birthday


“Leroy, in case I forget your birthday tomorrow, I want to wish you Happy Birthday now,” I said just before we went to sleep last night. It is not too likely that I would forget, but I do not hold special days in such high regard as most people do.

I remembered to give him his gift this morning. In case you are wondering it was a kiss and a walking stick with a compass on top so he can enjoy walks and not get lost. I also did not bother to wrap it, but wound a towel around it. Even when he was feeling it he could not guess what it was. It is nice to be able to surprise him once in a while.

After yoga I made some granola since we had eaten the last for breakfast and that is something that we can not run out of. We both sprinkle it on our cooked oatmeal and on yogurt or fruit. Then as the granola was finishing I made a cherry pie. We do not have birthday cake, but prefer pie.

I make my pie crust with oil and some whole wheat flour; consequently I never make pie for anyone besides family. Others may find it not quite acceptable. Healthy overrides flaky and appearance at my house. It has been two years since I made a pie as Leroy reminded me that last year for his birthday we were just starting our trip to Kenya. The crust might be better if I spent more time practicing, but then we would have to eat it so that is not the best plan. Each time the result is a surprise. I forgot to put in candles, but had a candle on the table. Does that count?

Leroy and I both thought the pie was good and ate a piece at noon and one at night. That means half the pie is gone and tomorrow is another day. We can manage!


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