Thursday, July 6, 2023

When did 75 start to feel cool?

Hello, Today the temperature dropped nicely with the high being about 75 degrees F. With a brisk breeze, it helped me feel cool. I even put on some more clothing coverage. It seems in the past, 75 was about right and 80 was unbearably hot. Now 80 degrees feels like a cold front has gone through. Maybe, I am cool at 75 years old. Who knew it would not feel so old. Is all of life a matter of perspective and stance? Even 80 which is not far away, looks younger now. Now our children cannot be getting as old as they are. Who knew that the age of children would create feelings about our ages. Live is a continual learning experience. I remember I did not like marigolds very well. But one year they were the only flower that grew. Marigolds seemed quite fine from then on. Paula

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