Friday, July 21, 2023

Watering Struggles

Hello, Yesterday, I was tending to my daily watering at church. I knew there was a wind, but figured I have dealt with such before. All was well until I started around the corner where the wind caught one smaller jug and blew it in the parking area. I reached for that jug only to have the cart roll to the side and off the curb, falling and spilling four other empty jugs and three full jugs. I set the full jugs upright in a row to learn if they had sprung a leak. In the meantime, it was a trick to gather the wind tossed empties. The cart is a big of a struggle to get upright and not rolling. After all was good, I rolled on. Usually, the cart goes all the way to end of the row, but there is not really a good place to make it secure and not rolling, so it was parked at the top of the row and each jug was carried as far as needed. Now it was time to get back into the church. At that famous corner the smaller jug blew off. This time I managed to get it without losing control of the rest. Soon a larger jug blew off and that smaller one went again. Rolling on, the smaller one sailed once more. The next time it blew off, I declared, “I am carrying you!” Getting bossy must have been needed because we got to the church door without another problem. Paula

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