Monday, July 24, 2023

Staples are out

Hello, Leroy’s staples are out of his leg. There is more healing to do, but it all looks good. He does not even have to give it extra care. He can resume normal activities. It is now so hot that he is hesitant about riding his bike, especially since he has not ridden for two weeks. Going in the morning would not be a problem, but the return after work is a bit hot to think about. He will have a regular skin checkup next month. On his other leg, there is a spot that is a little concerning, but it will wait since there is not chance to have an appointment ahead of that. We are certainly in the age for skin cancers. This skin has been around for quite some time and given us good service without complaining. We were blessed to have guests this weekend. It was a short visit of just two nights and one full day. There was a lot of talk and laughter. Sunday was a full day with church, a tour of the outdoor murals/art, lunch out, and a trip to the museum. They were impressed with our fair city. The guy deals in used books so he was especially interested in the library and the old books they have there. We had a good watermelon which we ate out on the deck with our downstairs friends included. It was quite a nice evening. I did water plants again today. I should have taken water because I was a bit tired when I got home. Some of that seemed to be from the lack of water. Paula

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