Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What Color is that?



With my new lens I am seeing things in a different light. Or perhaps it is just the absence of the cataract. It amazes me to think that I would have sworn that the mattress pad is a certain color only to find that is now in question. How many times have I corrected Leroy on this take on the color of something? It was quite a few times and I did it with a great sense of rightness.


Is that how we go through life, sure of our firm stance in the right corner because of how we see the world? This is a very unsettling thought. The next thought is how can I be more open to the opinion of others? Especially considering that they may see things in a different, but just as right to them, manner?


I was so sure that Leroy must be a little color blind in the sense that he could not tell what is what. Course then too color names are a minefield of paint samples.


There must be a standard of color shades and names, but who sets that up?



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