Monday, September 6, 2021

No Sabbath?



Resolves not met! This morning we only washed two loads of clothes and hung them out. Leroy swept the bathroom and kitchen floors. He also vacuumed the carpeting. Seems like working to me. He also took care of some requests for money, both as donations and bills. Leroy looked over the folder of donations and made a list so we can easily see what and how much we have donated this year. We got a couple cards ready to mail and I did Tai Chi.


This afternoon will be a little quieter as there will only be lunch to make and dishes to wash along with drops in both my eyes.


Leroy is reading now. I have also spent a little time reading so that is good.


I got a call from my primary care physician’s office reminding me of my next appointment. I am not sure how it escaped my attention, but it is on the day of my next cataract surgery so that will have to be changed, but it will wait until tomorrow. Leroy thinks I might be a little distracted.


Last night in the middle of the night I thought of the fact that I needed to start drops in my second eye this morning. There are only two drops, but one bottle is not out because I have stopped using it. I had to get up and do a search for it so I could calm down enough o go back to sleep. This morning Leroy told me he knew where it was, course he put it there. I thought he might since he took care of it, but I did not want to wake him so I went on the hunt.



Relax! Relax! Easier said than done!



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