Saturday, September 18, 2021

Riding My Bike



There were some special activities at the museum today. I went with Leroy, in part because, he did not think so many people would attend this lecture which was on John Amos Comenious. The speaker was Slovak. His English was good, but not so much the calm quiet delivery. I had a little trouble keeping my mind on the proceedings.


I left after that. Leroy said the next talk was on the native costumes of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. That was very well attended and the room was packed. Many people were wearing some of the costumes and the woman who spoke could relate many interesting facts.


 We rode our bikes to the library. This is my first time on the bike since my eye surgery. What a pleasant surprise! I could see ahead of me without tilting my head up, my eyes would roll up and do the job. I also felt that it was easy to balance with this new sharper view.


Before this only the middle of my glasses was accessible for distance viewing so I had to tilt my head up which made my neck hurt. Years ago, it helped when I got modified handle bars which allowed me to sit more upright, but this is much better. Now I need to ride more to strength my legs.



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