Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Driving after Three weeks off



I drove to work yesterday. It seems it was probably safer than before I had my surgery. I could more easily read signs. One thing that was a little bothersome was that all of the cars looked so much bigger, so I assumed they were closer than they were. It was even fine to drive home in the dark. The oncoming car lights bothered a little, but not much, nothing like it had been.


Monday, when I went to work I only took two of my selection of readers. Yesterday all three went with me, but I only used one of the ones I had taken on Monday. For some reason on Monday I wanted the pair I did not have with me. Is that how it goes sometimes?


Leroy took me to the eye dr. for another check up. Everything was good and I am almost at 20/20. It has been years since that was the case. I cannot remember how far down on the charts I could read, but this was amazing to see the bottom line. There were two letters that I was unsure about, the rest were all good.


I will go back to the Dr. in four weeks, at which point things should be quite healed. Then bifocals might be my wish, but then maybe not. In the past, I have appreciated having my glasses on from the time I get up in the morning, because they included sunglasses. Now I feel like I am fussing with glasses all the time. A string around my neck helps, but not so much to switch to sunglasses. I certainly have a lot of options.



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