Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Ordinary Day



I washed two loads of clothes and baked bread. The clothes were put in a machine and the bread was kneaded with my hands. I have no desire to wash clothes by hand, but I like getting my hands in the dough. I will have to confess that I do use the mixer for the first part of the bread making process.


The notice from the step tracker states that I have walked 5500 miles since they have been tracking. That is equal to the Great Wall. It was fun to get that total.


Leroy rode his bike this morning in spite of the mist in the air. He reported that there was a lot of mist. When I asked if he was dripping he replied, “Almost!” His glasses needed drying.

The rain was gone in the afternoon so I mistakenly thought he would have a dry ride home. He leaves work at four. At about five minutes after four I heard rain coming down. Looking out I could see a cloud burst.


Leroy was quite wet when he got home. He started before the rain got so bad, put on his rain coat and proceeded. He tells me there are no places that he knows of where he could take shelter so he just kept going. He was also a little muddy from things flicking up from the street. He was happy to get home and change clothes. Under his rain coat he was not so wet. Luckily his phone was protected under that raincoat.



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