Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Joy, Joy, Joy



Tomato plants left over from the community garden are sitting at my house no more. Several were saved for volunteers. This morning I counted out that number before taking the flat to the end of the sidewalk. As I looked across the street I saw someone at a neighbor’s house. I trotted over before she could leave and asked her and a young visitor, “Would you like some tomato plants?”


The young woman’s face lit up. “Yes I would,” she replied.


“I will run get the flat so you can choose,” I called as I turned back to get them.


“You can take as many as you would like,” I urged. I also brought over some chocolate mint that we were dividing.


Both of them took a couple tomato four packs. The younger one grinned and took the mint. Then the neighbor, pointing to a fall sedum said, “See how well this plant you gave me is doing. I am going to give some to her when it gets bigger.”


Turning to the younger woman I asked, “Do you have time now? I have some more to dig up because they spread. I would need to get a key and the spade from my garage. At her nod I raced home, upstairs, downstairs, out to the garage, pulled out the hand spade, and met her on the sidewalk. She admired my iris

and dianthus

before I dug up three clumps of sedum for her. “This is so nice because I can make an arrangement with them.”


What joy to have things to share and see people smile!



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