Friday, May 14, 2021

That Leroy Walking



Leroy and I both have the day off. He walked a mile to get some blood work done only to learn that the Dr. had forgotten to order it, so back home he went. Later when the order had come in we both walked back because I did not want Leroy to be so far ahead of me in the step department. It was a wonderful day for those walks. I now have my 10,000, but Leroy must have 12,000 or more steps. I did not ask, because I did not want to know.


Our mint has not been doing very well this year. It must need to dug up and spread out in a new place. I did find some other type of mint in among some other plants. We will move both of them to a spot that used to be good for impatiens, but since last summer’s derecho is much too sunny. I will also try to find a more sun loving flowering annual to put between them.


We have taken out all of my house plants that enjoy the outdoors, but it is a struggle to think of places to put them where the sun will not be too hard on them. That storm really altered our shade possibilities. We moved here nine years ago and I was bothered by the clothes line being in shade almost all of the time. Now it is almost the opposite situation, but the clothes dry very quickly. So I am not complaining. Each change is some gain and some loss. Seems like much of life is that way! Adaptability is the key for happiness?



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