Monday, May 10, 2021

Spring is here



Leroy and I walked to church Sunday. It was great to see all the blooming things along the way. Buds are growing on many things that have not yet opened creating a sense of anticipation. Is that hope personified?


This morning Leroy went out early and got rid of some weeds that seem to think this is a good place to live. He said, “It was not a hard job. Hopefully they will stay away.”


We so like our new teapot. The cozy fits it almost perfectly. The only complaint that we have is that the handle gets so hot we cannot pour without a pot holder in hand for the first hot cups. I am so sorry that we spent any money on the more expansive of the two, however I must get over that feeling since it is not good for me to dwell on that. Sometimes feelings are not so easy to let go, why would that be?


At least one book has gone from our little library, helping us to feel that it was a success. One thing about two compartments, we can share many books.



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