Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How to change Grumpy



I woke up rather grumpy. I had had trouble getting to sleep, woke to wide awake in the middle of the night, and tossed and turned trying to convince myself to go back to sleep.


I groused around the house and at Leroy. A real pick me up happened when I went to the garage for something and noticed the three five gallon buckets stuck together. I thought it might help if I banged them around on the sidewalk. It didn’t help the buckets, but it helped me. Then Leroy got onto the task of trying to get those buckets apart. Having three together made them useless. We discussed how it would be ok if one broke. Before we got the job done our downstairs friend came out and added his opinion and help. Eventually all three were separated with no breakage. Great sense of accomplishment settled on me.


After that I pulled some weeds that had been growing next to a bush and bothering my sense of order. Order returned. Another uplift!


A zoom meeting with some of my college friends did a great job of adding more joy to the day. That was followed by going to the community garden and extracting weeds that the tiller chopped, but did not remove. There are more to do, but it is satisfying work.


Because I did not have enough steps, I walked around the block and filled two grocery bags with trash. A passerby thanked me as did a neighbor. It is nice to be recognized for a deed, not necessary, but nice. Not enough steps, but I am going to ignore that.



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