Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Leroy At Home

record of August 19




I can no longer remember the entire plan, but Sarah went with me to the car repair place. When we learned that the car would be fixed right away, Brian came, picked up Sarah and they proceeded to his house in MN. I went walking on the bike trail that is close to this shop and spent some of the time crying for myself, for Leroy, for the damaged trees, and damaged buildings. It just all seemed so overwhelming. I had not brought anything to blow my nose, but it was good to cry. It was more stress than I ever remember dealing with at one time. I almost forgot there is the pandemic. At least Leroy was getting well, our one available car was getting fixed, and we had power with the blessings that go with that. Plus, Miriam and I were going to the grocery store, unlike some of my neighbors, we were not food insecure.


Leroy and I have not given much help in the area, but we have contributed to the disaster fund at our church as well as a neighborhood food bank. It is a blessing to be able to give to others.


It was a different experience to have Miriam here by herself. We do not remember such a thing happening. Miriam and I spent a bit of the afternoon with Leroy before he was checked out of the hospital. It is one of those times where we were getting concerned that the Dr. would not see him and he would be there another night, but it all got done.


It was so good to have Leroy home again. I found myself hovering over him if he acted the least bit upset about anything and a month later I am still a bit on edge, but it has been fine.


Leroy was getting fixed, the car was fixed, and my tooth was fixed. Life seemed complete even without internet accessibility.



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