Sunday, September 13, 2020

Good Day



It has been a good day. I have a new standard of good. It all seems to involve Leroy and how well he is doing. It helps that the sun is shining. Somehow that always lifts my spirits. We have been outside to pull a few weeds. Then Leroy got inspired and swept the sidewalk. Our downstairs friends left two crates of walnuts so the squirrels would have some food. Just a comment, the squirrel population is definitely smaller after the storm. At first they seemed as dazed as we were. But now they have perked up and are back to their usual tricks of burying nuts where we do not want nuts. But they have been taking those walnuts and peeling off the outer husk over the sidewalk. Consequently the sidewalk was littered with husks. Leroy has removed them. I certainly appreciate that.


Leroy and I went out for a bit longer walk this morning. It was quite fine because he did not get so tired. That gives us something to look forward to. Stronger each day? At least his jaws no longer hurt when he eats. He is eating more even though it is not up to his former speed. That former speed was sometimes too fast to be polite.


 I walked alone this afternoon. That was nice because I walked a good long time. For the first time in weeks I actually got to 10,000 steps. Even though it is Sunday, people are working repairing roofs. I wonder if one guy was an insurance adjuster. They have a lot to do so they are working seven days a week here to recover from the storm. There is so much to be done before we have all things in a good place. I do not say normal because some things will not go back to normal. We forget that change is normal rather than static positions.



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