Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bad and Good



Yesterday Leroy had a bad day. It did not help that I was not home to cheer him on. He said, “It is like it was two months ago.”


However when I questioned him more closely I learned that the pain was not that bad, but he had some trouble with balance and just not feeling peppy and good.


In the evening he attended a spiritual group which helped him to feel better. After that we watched a documentary called, Mister Roger & Me. We both cried during this show, improving our mood and outlook on life. It was great to go to bed with good things buzzing around our heads.


This morning Leroy woke up and announced, “I feel so much better today than I did yesterday.”


Can you imagine our garage doors both work? Both of our cars can be inside. No more morning clearing the windows of dew, etc. A single door will be installed when workers can be found to do it. Since the storm all construction workers are working many jobs.


We had a team meeting at work for the first time since March. We all wore masks and sat a distance apart. It was great to see other. We are a small team and I miss my co-workers.


Leroy and I had planned to give our old phones to the women’s shelter. We have hit a snag because they do not want them without a charging cord and we wanted to keep our charging cords as spares. We will have to ponder and come up with a solution. I just realized that we could buy some cords. It is ironic because we have given away a bit of money to food banks etc. since the storm, but we are balking at buying new cords which are a much smaller amount of money. I thought we were logical people, but maybe not.



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