Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Each Day is Different



Leroy dragged yesterday, today he got up quite peppy, but came home dragging and tired. After taking a pain pill, eating a snack, and lying down a little, he seems to feel better. Obviously this is not a quick fix illness. It is much better than it was a month ago so that is encouraging.


I am pleased with myself. I have gotten quite a few small tasks finished. It helps my psychic to clear papers off the desk. I know it is considered more creative to have some clutter, but it seems to clutter my mind so that I do not function very well.


I walked though the college campus that is close to us. There was a row of trees that had holes in the trunk. Leroy and I often wondered how they managed to stay there. They are all gone now. I miss them as old friends. They did have some nice spring flowers.


We now have our home phone functioning again. If you want to call us at that number you can. The number is 319-382-0080. When it did not work we thought about just having cell phones. We were going to cancel the service rather than spend the $150 for the box, but the company sent us a free new box so we can connect to the Internet once more. Guess they like our business. It took a while, but after spending much time on the phone with them, Leroy got it up and working.


Life is indeed returning to pre-derecho days because we have now two cars available for our use, phone, and internet all work. Our new cell phones probably have all sorts of treasures that we are not aware of, but they work well for the things we know about.



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