Saturday, June 20, 2020

Wet Clothes


This morning, Leroy gave me the weather report from his phone. There was to be rain at seven and then not until one in the afternoon. That seemed like a nice window to hang out the sheets and other light colored things. It did not rain at seven and that should have triggered a clue that this weather report did not do a good job. Optimism prevailed and all the clothes went out on the line. I came back in and started to vacuum with ear plugs in since the noise is bothersome to me. When I got done with the hall I stopped the vacuum and noticed there was a noise outside. Sure enough, it was raining quite steadily and adequately for any plants to get a good drink. Finally I looked at the local TV station weather radar. It showed that nice rain now and no rain until about three in the afternoon. Will the clothes be dry by then? It is hard to say, but for sure they will be drier than they are at this moment. They will languish on the line.  I will be watching the sky later this afternoon.

These phone app weather predictions have been wrong in the past, but I must be a slow learner since I/we still pay attention to them. I will have to find the local weather app and just put it front and center on the weather scene.

Yesterday when trimming plants at the church flower bed I accidently cut off two of the lily stems. It was with sadness that I brought them home where I put them in a bud vase and water. One of them is opening this morning. It is a lovely yellow, brightening our kitchen. Nice to get a bit of joy from it! There are two other buds, but not very developed so I am not sure they will manage to open.


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