Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Flowers and plumbing


I was so excited to see the catalpa tree in the back yard graced with beautiful flowers. These blossoms do not last long especially with a hard rain coming at them from above. The first of the lilies was partially open when I first went out this morning and about two hours later it was open. Lovely gift! The coreopsis has been open for a few days, but still beautiful. Flowers are a continual source of peace and joy.

My downstairs friend said he had a plumbing issue and needed to turn off the water for several hours. Water is now waiting in several containers for whatever we might need. We not only have water, but we have containers to store it in. Blessings! There are some benefits to not owning your living space. I used to dream about having my “own” house, but that has been put aside, although I still wonder what it is like to put up a picture hanger and not think of someone else’s opinion about the placement. As with many things there are advantages and disadvantages to owning and renting.

Luckily Leroy drove the car yesterday and again today so he did not get caught out in a down pour while riding the bike to or from work.

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