Monday, June 22, 2020

Way of Living


Leroy talked with his boss this morning and learned that three people have been laid off because of lack of funds. Somehow that brings that reality closer to our view. We can survive without our work salaries, but the people who were let go will have a harder time.  Brings to the forefront of our minds, thoughts of the economy, employees, employers, and business. How will they survive in these turbulent times?

I also know that the virus is not done with us yet. So how are health and the economy managed? It is certainly not an easy question. I would feel better about it all if I knew that some cool heads from all sides were facing the quandary in a more detached, rather than emotional manner. Seems that no blaming should be a rule and solutions of all types brought forth and considered would be good for finding the best road even if it probably would not be a perfect road as this is not a perfect situation.

We are getting much rain. Leroy and I picked our first black raspberries yesterday. They were delightful. This morning we went out early to get some mulberries for breakfast and managed to get back to the house before the rain developed into a downpour. We were damp but not dumped on.

Yesterday a friend gave us lettuce and a little spinach from their garden along with a half a red cabbage. What luxury!


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