Saturday, June 6, 2020

Gifts Today: food, time, energy


A friend had called two days ago. We missed seeing and responding to the call until the next day. They were calling to tell us we could have some garden produce from them. Today we rode our bikes over to get lettuce and spinach only to find that we could also have some asparagus. It is wonderful to get such treasures. We had planned to have tacos tonight and now there will be a side of asparagus. We have not had any this year. When I have been at a store it did not look as good as it could have.

This morning I washed and hung out four loads of clothes while Leroy worked on moving some plants. Chocolate mint was split and some put in a new place. Then we moved some of the salvia plants along with a volunteer tomato. Leroy wants to save a black raspberry plant so he is in discussion with our downstairs friends as to where that might work. I, and perhaps Leroy too, would be ok if it does not take root. Although we both like the berries, they are not the easiest plant to have on the property. Leroy also tied up the fall sedum and many of the lilies. I suspect we did not get them planted as deeply as they should be. When the flowers bloom they tend to lie down from the weight. It should be a good year for both of these plants as they look quite healthy and the lilies are loaded with buds.

About half of the iris on the place have finished blooming it has really helped us to enjoy them for a long time.


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