Friday, March 16, 2018

Taxes are Done


We are pleased that our taxes are done. It is nice not to consider  them for another year. We increased our withholding significantly so we are only paying a little to the federal and getting a small refund from the state. That is nice, even though I was prepared mentally to pay a big bill if needed as happened for the last two years. I just hope that all of these taxes are used in the best possible way to help people with a variety of issues. It is a privilege to be able to share with others. Sometimes we only look at taxes as something taken from us rather than helping. Certainly it allows our government to function even if we disagree with some of the possibilities.

For reasons unknown to me I believe that my body sags more than it used to. The real question is: Is this a mental state or a physical one? I frequently catch myself leaning on my elbow. Back in middle school I would lean on my elbow so much that I got bursitis. Something else I have noticed is that Leroy seems to be taller than he was in just the recent past. Does that mean he is stretching up or that I am shrinking down? Perhaps it would help if I could hang by my heels and stretch out more.

I would like some warmer weather on my day off so I could divide and transplant my violet that shows three clear plants in one pot. Could dividing make it feel inspired to bloom?

Last night the guy who spoke at our neighborhood meeting was a patron of the Ely Library. We both thought we should know each other. He brought it up and we did a little sleuthing before coming up with the answer. I am not sure why I find it harder to recognize people when they are not in the place that I interact with them. Memory must tie to a place, making them a mystery when seen elsewhere.


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