Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Those Rabbits


They were the cutest little rabbits when they first hopped around the yard. Even the second time they brought smiles to the lips. However all smiling is done now. They have stripped the small lilies that a friend shared with me. They have eaten lettuce, peppers and some eggplant in our front garden. For some reason the front garden is what they call home. Today I put up some netting in a small attempt to keep them out.

At least they have not liked the kohlrabi. We have eaten two of them and I picked a third. Leroy, like the rabbits, is not so taken with this vegetable, but I like it. He liked the dish I made yesterday with the leaves. The one I picked today has leaves that are not so desirable. Leroy did tell me that yesterday he toasted bread, applied mustard and put the kohlrabi on top. That was more to his taste.

A feral cat lived under the deck last year. Rabbits might have been her food as I never saw any rabbits until I no longer saw the cat. Amazing that I think those cats might be useful in a checks and balances kind of way. One woman at the end of our block told me she feeds them and even puts out shelter in the winter time. Perhaps that is where our cat moved, seeking more care.

I am trying to read a 500 page book in four days. It is for the book club. So I can remember what I read, I like to wait until the last week before I read the selection, but this time I should have started sooner. The trouble was that I was reading another good book that I wanted to finish; The Secrets of a Charmed Life. Now I am going to be racing to complete, All the Light We Cannot See, before Sunday. I like this book as well and hope to be finished so I can participate more fully in the conversation about it. It always adds to my appreciation when I hear the comments of others.


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