Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Library as a community force


At the end of the day, staff who close the library note the day’s attendance. Monday was busy, but yesterday 190 people passed by the ticker in the short seven hours we were open. I did not run in and out several times to make it more. There was a popular children’s program that involved about 70+ and we have reading support that also involves a number of people. No wonder I felt tired at the end of the day.

Most of the children are good, but there were three boys who were running, shouting, and feeling like it was the great outdoors. I excused myself from the people at the desk and intercepted one preschooler, told him in a stern voice about no running, and pointing at the floor “you must stop and sit here”. This kid whom I did not recognize looked about ready to cry or perhaps it was abject terror. I back pedaled just a little and said in a softer voice, “We do not run in the library and you must sit here one minute. I will tell you when you can get up.” Later he did seem quite comfortable around me.

I got to the other boy about the same time as his mother. These people I do know. I think I would have been more effective on my own, but there was no wild running for the rest of the day.

One thing about these days I get very little cataloging done, but time evaporates in an instant. No moaning about being bored. I also had three people sign up for library cards. That task takes a little more time than ordinary. When is school going to start? No I do not mean that as we are in existence just because of the use that we get. However the first week of school gives us a great time to collect our scattered thoughts and pens.


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