Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bike Ride


Yesterday at work I learned that I was not working on Tuesday this week, but on Saturday. Luckily I noticed it then. It makes Tuesday seem like a gift day off even though I will be working the usual number of hours. After tai chi a bike ride in the relative coolness of the morning seemed like a brilliant idea.

I rode to the bike trial to Cedar Lake where a gaggle of geese were on the path and around it. I decided to go the opposite direction from these 50 or so birds. Another group of about 20 was swimming farther along. Then there was another smaller group. Were they just preparing to go out to where ever they go or getting a drink? As I headed north the wild or tame flowers are so nice. It is a spirit lifting experience.

A young man and his young daughter were riding together with a third wheel attached to his bike. They passed me. Seemed to me I should have been stronger, but I was enjoying my time. Later I passed them on some playground equipment. When I came on the homeward trek, I spotted them alongside the trail. I realized there were black raspberry bushes there. I stopped, exclaimed about it, and commented that the bushes looked almost dried up at which point they shared a few berries with me. The man then pointed out there were some on the other side of the trail. They picked some and said they had to be going. I went over and savored each berry as I popped it into my mouth. Such a bust of flavor!

A young man came a long carrying a fishing pole. I told him about the berries and offered some to him. He said, “That is ok, I picked some in a more woodsy area so I am full.”

“How is fishing?” I wanted to know as this is Iowa’s only urban trout stream.

“I see a lot of fish, but they are hard to catch. The water is shallow and clear so they see me and stay away,” he sighed, “but I will try some more.”

I only went a total of 8.21 miles but saw the world.


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