Friday, December 5, 2014

Time Flies


I thought I would get ahead of the game and work on the Christmas letter Thanksgiving weekend. Guess what? Nothing has been done. Well, maybe a little something. I have located some Christmas cards, Christmas letter paper and thought a little about what I might write.

We do not decorate until about two weeks before Christmas so that is not a problem. We do, however, have our advent wreath set up and lighted twice a day. The greens are still in the box as I am enjoying looking at the wreath which we purchased when we lived in Missouri Valley. I thought I might put the greens out when we get out the rest of the decorations.

I did not feel so very good when I got home yesterday. Just to make me honest, I had a low grade fever of 99. See I am not a total hypochondriac. This morning I felt ok so I did some grocery shopping as well as looked for replacement gloves for me. I especially like the tired pair I currently wear. Unfortunately the chain store where I purchased them did not have anything that remotely resembled it. At another store I found something, but it was a ski glove and not quite as dressy looking. Course I must be dressy, you know.

This afternoon I will go with Leroy to a nursing home to play the piano for the worship service. I just hope I am not passing on any germs. I will hand sanitize and cough discreetly. Actually this afternoon I am almost not coughing at all. Whatever this is it seems to be moving quickly. I wondered if it was sinus irritation. Now if I just felt a bit peppier it would be wonderful. A nap might be on the agenda. Scratch the nap, Leroy just called and told me he would be here soon.


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