Saturday, December 6, 2014

Playing the piano


I did go play the piano at the nursing home. Rather it was for assisted living so these people were quite active. Someone had decorated the grand piano. Unless I removed those decorations I could not use the music rack. My creative solution was to place two hymnals behind the open hymnal proping it up. An additional book was needed in front to keep it from falling forward onto the keys. This worked fairly well as long as I stretched my neck to its fullest extent and tilted my head to get the right lens coverage with my bifocals. Luckily we only sang three hymns and just two verses of those. One of the women commented before I started, “You have a problem.”

I certainly agreed with that assessment. At least I could, in my mind, blame all errors on the lack of proper line of sight. Oh, then I forgot to say that I could not read the bottom line because it was hidden behind the book in front keeping things in place. Some of that I guessed at and some I did not play or just played the wrong notes.

I suppose the decorations were nice but I did not feel so positive about them. Is this piano rarely used or does the person who put up the decorations not know how it is played? Or maybe some do not need to use music sheets. At any rate all people there seemed to be quite forgiving and we managed to praise the lord with what we had available.

I have to confess that I had that slight fever again last night and it is back this afternoon, “slightly” higher than it had been in the past.

Leroy has renewed his driver’s license. This time he made sure he had all the proper ID’s before he drove across town.


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