Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In the airport longer


We found our new gate, course nothing was happening as we had about three hours to wait. In the meantime that young guy told us he had asked for a meal voucher and the agent was looking for us. We got the voucher. Leroy managed to eat without spending more, but I almost spent half again as much.

Back at the waiting area they asked for people to volunteer to go on a flight that left about two hours later as this flight was full. Leroy and I decided we could wait another two hours so we volunteered for the $400 vouchers. We might get on, but would not know until the last minute. I planned to be at work, but could come late as my co worker would not leave until 5:30. It seemed that we might get on when a man meandered into the area and went on. Because Leroy was not working on this day it seemed fine that he could be the one who waited while I would head on. Again at the very last minute a woman sauntered up without any cares and loaded. We were both staying!

Another official worker woman came up to the desk and the agent asked if she would get our vouchers for us. When she checked our names she said, “You were not officially booked for this flight so I cannot give you a voucher.”

Crushed, not on the plane, and no compensation! That young guy was gone as apparently he had a seat secured, probably the last one available.

When the agent came up our helper talked to him. She seemed to be the boss. She told him that she could not write a voucher for us, when he said, “They volunteered.”

“They volunteered? How much did your offer them?” she wanted to know.

Upon learning the amount she said, “They will be here a long time, I will give them $600.”

She then proceeded to print copious amounts of paper which she stapled and handed to us with instructions, including the fact that we could get no more vouchers today.

If we had not volunteered we would not have been on the flight and we would not have gotten any bonus from it, just more wait time. Blessings rain down in the midst of annoyances!


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