Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tent Sleeping


The plan to go camping at the state park did not materialize. The two biggest drivers were that Miriam did not want to sleep in a tent as she has some problems with her back and she was feeling it a bit at this time. Leroy and I did not want to go without her and we were feeling a bit weary. Miriam declared the girls would enjoy the backyard just as much. In retrospect I was a little sorry that we did not go to the park as we could have walked in the woods and these girls would have gotten that experience. Also it would probably have been quieter.

On this lovely Tuesday evening we got to bed by 9:00 on an air mattress and a cot mattress. What would we do without our generous landlords? Leroy was on the cot mattress by himself and I was in between the two girls. These girls could not seem to settle down and at 10:00 Olivia decided to sleep inside. I am not sure why Tuesday was party night, but that seemed to be the case at the tavern that is about two blocks away. They were quite generous with their talk and music. Nora and Leroy both managed to go to sleep in spite of noise. But then some lone speaker was declaiming loudly so that all in the area could hear. After a brief silence a car alarm went off waking up both Nora and Leroy. At times there were a number of sirens blaring even if they did not come here. We are close to a fire station as well as a hospital. Nice for safety, but hard on the ears.

I dozed off, but needed to use the toilet at about 3:30am. Lights blazed at the neighbors two doors away. The man I saw outside seemed to be carrying buckets that could have had paint in them. About 4:30 I woke again to hear two females talking. When I got up and checked it was again at that house. It was normal volume talking, but in the morning quietness it seemed that they were just next to us.

It was a tough night to experience. Next time I vote for the park.


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