Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Sand Job?

Hello, I had a sanding of my nose this morning. It was a possibility, but had hoped not. It is not painful except for the deadening process. More than once the nurse told me she could give me a break if I needed it. Long, slow, deep breaths got some relaxation in place. Amazing how we have some coping skills, if we can just remember then. The bandage needs to stay on for 24 to 48 hours. At least this time I feel much peppier, but then it was not such an invasive procedure. This is a vanity move. The choice was up to me, do it or not. Vanity won out. There is a dip in the scar and I guess it will take care of that. For no
w I just have a large bandage. The biopsy that was done last week came back with a good result. It was a precancer spot and the biopsy removes it. So nice to have health care people who can take care of these things and even know what they are doing. My brother’s birthday is today. He is 75 years old. He commented that our father died when he was 76. Wow, my age. I had thought he was older than that. He seemed old at the time, but now it seems young. Our mother lived to be 86. Paula

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