Sunday, March 17, 2024

Only the Hardy

Hello, Leroy and I walked to church today. It was a challenge. My face hurt from the cold by the time we arrived. Leroy forgot his phone, but remembered before we had gone a block. He went back, while I forged ahead. Between the low temperatures and the wind, it was not pleasant. Coming home was better, but not balmy. We have discussions about the best way to walk that will block some of the wind. I walked outside this afternoon. It was warmer, but still not so much fun. The pubs or taverns in our neighborhood seem to be doing a brisk business. There was a lot of green around. Except around the pubs I did not see other people. One bike rider was on the trail, but that was it. Leroy walked in front of the tv while he watched some show that I was probably not interested in seeing. I still want 1000 steps so I will also watch something and take those steps. It is not as good for the mind and spirit as it is when outside, but there is a sense of accomplishment. Surely the heart likes it. Paula

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