Friday, March 22, 2024


Hello, The bag of things too heavy to carry to church was placed on the bench in the back porch so I could drop it off on my way back from tai chi. Getting close to the church, I realized no bag was in the car. I had walked right past it on the way out the door this morning. I wash my face, let it dry, put on petroleum jelly, call Leroy to assist putting on the bandages to keep my nose covered. Apparently, my face was not dry enough because the bandages would not stick. After some struggle, Leroy put on tape over the bandages. That tape is white and wide. Many people wanted to know what had happened to me. It does look a bit serious. Our bandage supply is running low so we did not want to put on new bandages. At least this worked. Now I put that heavy bag in the car so the next time the car goes it will be delivered to church. Tomorrow, there will be more drying time. In spite of the wind, I delivered neighborhood newsletters. It was a challenge sometimes to figure out a way to secure them so they would not sail away to the next town. One more block is to be done for this month. Paula

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