Saturday, February 24, 2024

How slow do we go

Hello, Yesterday some girls in Junior high were walking across the street from us. They kept getting ahead of us. Leroy remarked, “It looks like they put no effort into it, but they are much faster than we are.” That was certainly true. What happened to the “famous Bradway Walk”? Today I was walking by myself and I heard someone talking behind me. It was not long before a younger woman and her dog passed me with a faster walk. I made an effort to walk faster, but not so sure how long I kept up the faster pace. According to my Fitbit, I do have some fat burn minutes in each long walk, not that I want to burn fat, but I like to have my heart work. What fat are these other faster walkers burning off? We hung out sheets today. Again, a bird went poop above one sheet. Wish they would pick a smaller item which would be easier to rewash. When the leaves come out on the tree, the clothes line should be more protected. Paula

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