Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Gas Station Tales

Hello, It was a perfect sunny day to go to the gas station, buy gas, and get the car washed. I got out, put in my card to pay for the gas, followed the steps including that I wanted a car wash. No separate options were listed for the wash. Back to square one and start again. It was the same result, but I decided to hope for the best and just selected one slot. With gas pump in hand, it was apparent that the car was too far for the hose. Put the nozzle back in place, more the car to the proper spot, get out to start fueling only to find that the order had been canceled. Perhaps going in the store would be best, grabbed my purse and walked in. the person behind the desk was busy arranging cigarettes so I waited a bit, but then said, “Excuse me.” After learning what I wanted, she said, “It is probably better if you pay for it in here.” Then I learned they were having a sale on the car wash with all washes the same low price. After paying, it was back to the car. This time I only had to select the grade of gas I wanted and put it in the car, however the pump stopped working after only a minute amount of gas had gone in. After fussing around with the handle, it worked. To get in the car wash a code was required. I put that in, but it would not take the last digit and announced improper code and quit. I tried again, but could not read the screen to select the wash I wanted. After the next attempt, I backed the car up so I could stand in front of the screen to hopefully read it better. Then I got a notice that the wash was ready and the door came up. I scurred back to the car, started it, slowly moved forward, hoping the door would not come done on my car and stopped when instructed. It is nice to have a clean car. Paula

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