Sunday, February 18, 2024


Hello, Yesterday, we spent a good number of hours driving. It was a nice sunny day. However, the wind was daunting. It is a good feeling to have a low-profile vehicle on those days. Some trailers were being buffeted off course a bit. We went to the funeral for Jen’s mother. I am glad that we could attend. It had been a long time since I had seen her father, brother’s family, and uncle’s family. When we attended the children’s birthday parties, we got to see Jen’s family twice a year. It was a quick trip in one day with more time on the road than we actually spent there. It was noticeable that there was more and more snow as we went north. Some of it was blowing across the road on one smallerA road. Those spots looked icy when we went home. Luckily that was only spots and just for seven miles. Stephen’s parents have both died so now there is only Jen’s dad and Andy’s parents left. I think of diminishing groups as there are only my sister’s husband and my brother and sister-in law left of the immediate other relatives. I suppose that is a part of aging. Loved ones are not there forever. Paula

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